Love Sleep? Here's a List of Teas You Absolutely Must Have and Must Avoid

Teas that Help You Sleep

If you're partial to a good night's sleep, you've probably put some thought into engaging in good sleep habits. 

You have a consistent bedtime. You don't drink alcohol late at night. You engage in rigorous daily exercise. You don't look at devices after 9 pm. You bemusedly read this Instagram-worthy description of life and wonder if I have any idea what actually goes on in the real world.

Ok, so maybe thinking about good sleep habits doesn't always convert into real-life action.

The good news is not everything is hopeless when it comes to good sleep. 

Like drinking tea. There's a habit you actually like.

Who doesn't love drinking tea, right?

On this gloriously created earth grow all sorts of plants and herbs you can enjoy in your tea cup that will nudge your sleep in the right direction, or keep you up all night.


Here's a list of what you absolutely must have and must avoid for a good night's sleep:


1. Valerian Root & Lavender

Two of the most incredible natural sleep-supporting substances on this earth.

Valerian root is known as "nature's Valium", it acts as a natural sedative and performs best after around two weeks of usage.

Lavender is commonly used for anxiety, stress, and insomnia. It also has sedating effects and might relax certain muscles.


When I discovered valerian root during 2020, I decided I had to create a sleep tea I actually wanted to drink.

It worked a treat.

I took lavender, valerian root, and blended them with one of my favourite flowers - jasmine, plus a couple of other herbs.

I am now addicted to our sleep tea, Lavender Moon.

Without it, I sometimes lay awake for an hour or more wishing myself to go to sleep. 

With it, I'm consistently off to snoozeville within around 10 minutes.


Tea you must have for sleep:


2. Tea

Actual tea is TERRIBLE for sleep. We're talking about the leaves that come from the Camellia Sinensis plant. These leaves are processed to make white tea, green tea, oolong tea, black tea, puerh tea, yellow tea. 

Actual tea is divinely created for happiness and clear thinking to be enjoyed from the early hours of the morning to the early afternoon.

Do not drink this before bed. It contains caffeine.

While the caffeine in actual tea won't make you jittery, you will be fully alert in bed as you regret every sip of that beautiful brew.

And tea should never be associated with regret.


Tea you must avoid* for sleep:

Tea you probably should avoid* for sleep:


*What time should you stop drinking tea before bed?

The recommended cut-off time for caffeine consumption is six hours before bed, so if you plan to hit the sack around 10pm, make sure you don't drink any tea after 4pm.

If you're super sensitive to caffeine, increase this caffeine-free window to around 8 hours before bed.


3. Herbs other than tea

Almost all herbs other than tea are naturally caffeine-free (there are a few exceptions like Yerba Mate) and are wonderfully supportive of sleep.

The mere act of sitting down calmly with a cup of brewed herbs will start the slowing down process that leads to a beautiful sleep.


Tea that can help you sleep:


Avoid Before Sleep Not Great Before Sleep Good for Sleep *Designed for Sleep*

Tielka Breakfast

 Tielka Breakfast English Breakfast Black Tea

Cacao and Chilli Chai


Lemon Ginger


Lavender Moon

Lavender Moon sleep tea


Earl Royale 

Limonada Rosa


Jade Mist 

Jade Mist Green Tea

Lady Betty

 Lady Betty French Earl Grey

Peppermint Leaf

South Cloud Chai 

Persian Mint Chai

Rose Moscato 

Midnight Blossom