Studies have shown that regular tea drinkers—especially those who enjoy green tea—live a little longer (and healthier) than their non-tea-drinking counterparts. And it doesn't take much, just three cups of tea a week, to add an extra 1.26 years to your...
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Are you naturally creative, but noticed that creativity hasn't surfaced for some time? Do you now tend to complete tasks more by rote, and less by clever problem-solving? Life may have gotten in the way of your superbly creative mind. It's still there, ...
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When you take a moment to look at the above photo, what thoughts come to mind? Health and happiness? Paradise? Holidays? I would like to uncover a small secret with you. There are a few hidden details you cannot see.
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Have you found yourself backed into a corner of perpetual exhaustion and pressure? The truth is, a path to freedom and peace often takes a detour through breakdown. That breaking point is the catalyst for change.
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Do you feel like everything is too much? A message of overwhelm is not always a bad thing. It could be telling you it's time to get rid of the stuff that is no longer servicing you and your life. It used to be good. It used to be fruitful. Season...
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Does self-care sometimes feel a little one-dimensional to you?Do you feel like the fun has become a little lost over the years?We've been told that self-care is essential for our happiness, but the quintessential face-mask-cuc...
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It's the early hours of a Tuesday. Visions of my son falling over the side of a sailing boat with no one in earshot have disturbed my sleep. I can see him falling, again and again, the dark sea capturing him. No amount of repeating the seque...
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It's 8:47am. You're closing in on the start of your day and feel like you already need a break. Conversations out loud with small people buzzing at your feet. Conversations in your head with big people who are most certainly wrong. You've sorted...
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Another holiday, another onslaught of marketing junk that clutters your inbox. Heart emojis, kisses, thumbs up. It's the 14th February, people! "Look at me! Love me!" Your inbox, the perfect analogy for the state of humankind. Every person, qui...
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Do you feel yourself breathing a sigh of relief as you close the chapter on 2021? Have you already mentally bundled up 2020 with 2021 as you look forward with cautious anticipation for 2022? Interestingly, the 31st of December in 2020 and 2021 are not the on...
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