Have you ever noticed how much better your day is when your morning starts well?
Today I started my morning a little differently. During my usual early morning walk, instead of allowing my mind wander from one thought to another, solving this problem then that, I switched off this usual train of thought and instead, made myself aware of what was going on around me. The bird sounds, moving vehicles, the wind, the waves on the beach.
My walk was followed by my usual cup of tea on my back deck, under the umbrella. I noticed something a little different today. When I closed my eyes, I did not fall into an exhausted heap, as I have done more in recent times. In my mind I was ready to dance. My thoughts were not a tangled mess, they were rested.
The day has continued with clarity.
My morning has always started well with my cup of tea. How lovely now to rest my thoughts, indulge in my surroundings and enjoy my tea, my day, even more.
Indulge in Life.
Rebecca Domorev
Co-Founder, Tielka