Original White Tea Shot Recipe | The Healthiest, Happiest Shot You'll Ever Consume

Original White Tea Shot Recipe | The Healthiest, Happiest Shot You'll Ever Consume

If you're just as excited as we were that this could even be a thing, hold on to your knickers, this white tea party is just getting started. 

Remember how white tea is jam-packed with antioxidants and supports skin elasticity?

And how can we forget about theanine, that magical amino acid in white tea that gives you a massive mood boost? 

Well, what if we added some lime, a little honey, and GIN?

Is that even allowed???

I know, you're dying right now. So are we.

We've tried and tested it and now we're completely hooked.

What's best is we got to buy a whole heap of gin for the experimentation process and write it off as a business expense! Woot woot! And if you're curious if we enjoyed this whole process, why yes, we did.

Here's how we do white tea shots at Tielka:


White Tea Shot

Makes 4 servings



Cocktail shaker

4 shot glasses



 90ml gin

 1 tbsp honey

 100ml water

 1/2 lime cut into 4 wedges


 2 tbsp Moonlight white tea 

Shop Moonlight White Tea



Boil water, add honey and white tea leaves. Brew for 5 minutes. After tea is brewed, separate white tea leaves from the brew and set aside to cool a little.

Add gin, lime wedges (pinch each one as you add them), brewed white tea, and ice to a cocktail shaker and give a good shake.

Pour into four shot glasses and add one lime wedge to each glass.

If you're feeling bold, serve in two martini glasses!

Alternatively, serve in four martini glasses and top up with soda water.



Want to spice things up a little more?

Muddle some fresh thyme in the mix, or add a little hibiscus while brewing to create a beautiful pink hue (see pic).

Shop Moonlight White Tea


Originally published 08/03/2022, 12:53 pm AEST