Are you a master of getting things done? Or do you tend to procrastinate? Is your brain a neat composition of carefully labelled files, or do your thoughts behave more like spaghetti boiling in a pot? Today, I am writing to all you spaghetti-heads who want to ...
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If you're just as excited as we were that this could even be a thing, hold on to your knickers, this white tea party is just getting started. Remember how white tea is jam-packed with antioxidants and supports skin elasticity? And how can we forget about thea...
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Have you ever noticed there is a solution in nature to almost anything? Aloe vera applied to skin soothes burns and heals wounds. Inhaling lavender calms nerves. Walking along the ocean shore restores the soul. Nature has been divinely created to...
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You know you have to give up coffee. The jitters are starting to become overwhelming, the anxiety is coming back. But you are afraid to go cold-turkey. Your morning cup of high-caffeine coffee gives you the boost of energy and sharp focus you need to get through your day.
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Have you ever heard of theanine? If you haven't heard of theanine, you've definitely heard of caffeine. You know what I'm talking about... your friend, your worst enemy, both. That pesky but well-loved stimulant that seems to keep the world turning.And theanine? It's the best ...
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What is white tea? If you're new to tea, your immediate answer to this question would very likely be "well, that's just tea with milk, isn't it?". And you couldn't be blamed for giving such a bleedingly obvious answer, after all, the milky question always posed is "would you l...
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