Are you looking for donations to support your good cause? We may be able to help!

We believe that partnering with good causes can bring about mutual benefit that will allow your good cause to grow and our family business to thrive.

If you or your website has a reputable website, a strong social media following, or another brilliant partnership idea, we may be interested in partnering with you. 

Please fill in the below form and we will assess your request.

Please note, due to the large volume of requests, we may not be able to respond and may not be able to assist. Thankyou for your understanding.




Organisation Name

Organisation Website

Organisation Facebook Page

Organisation Instagram Account

Organisation Social Media - Other


What Do You Need?

 Tea Samples

  Small Gifts


Other (please specify) 

Quantity Required 

Date Required 


How Can You Support Us?

  We can feature Tielka on our website

  We can feature Tielka in our eNewsletter

  We can give Tielka a shout-out on social media

  We can organise a co-contribution payment

Other (please specify) 


Briefly tell us about your cause 


How did you discover Tielka?