Protecting Your Happiness - A Simple Truth You Already Know

Happiness is found in human connection

I've had a few "moments" with friends on social media the last few months.

A glance at a post, something knots up inside of me, I begin a rant reply in my head, then stop.

"Reset, girl. It's not the mountain you want to die on."

I let it go.

No doubt, we are in some of the most challenging times of our lives right now. We are being split down the middle, asked to take sides, pointing fingers, snubbing people we would otherwise love or honour.

It's destroying the very thing that we need to keep going and win this fight.

Human connectedness.

It's the simple foundation for your health and happiness.

Better than any tea variety, calm music, new fandangle health diet.

You already know it.

In an 80-year old Harvard study, scientists explored the health of a group of 268 Harvard sophomores, beginning in 1938.

It resulted in incredible insights into happiness. While the participants had remarkably different life trajectories, careers, incomes, successes, and failures, there was one strong overriding conclusion.

The remarkable conclusion, although not surprising, was that close relationships, more than money, fame, or other material success, through good times and bad, were what kept people happy throughout their lives.

Your happiness is protected in human connectedness.

I personally believe connection remains strong when we look to the needs of those we are connected with. When we sacrifice our own needs, even our own desire to be "right", we are rewarded with the happiness that thrives in connection.

It's a simple message but an important one.

And yes, tea does get a say in this message.

Because having a cup of tea with another human being creates a space where you can connect. Whether in-person, on Zoom, over the phone. Mark my words, your desire to be "right" will dissolve behind the desire to feel love and connectedness as you share a moment together.

Indulge in life.