Are you naturally creative, but noticed that creativity hasn't surfaced for some time? Do you now tend to complete tasks more by rote, and less by clever problem-solving? Life may have gotten in the way of your superbly creative mind. It's still there, ...
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It's 8:47am. You're closing in on the start of your day and feel like you already need a break. Conversations out loud with small people buzzing at your feet. Conversations in your head with big people who are most certainly wrong. You've sorted...
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Do you feel yourself breathing a sigh of relief as you close the chapter on 2021? Have you already mentally bundled up 2020 with 2021 as you look forward with cautious anticipation for 2022? Interestingly, the 31st of December in 2020 and 2021 are not the on...
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A glance at a social media post, something knots up inside. "Reset, girl. It's not the mountain you want to die on." I let it go. No doubt, we are in some of the most challenging times of our lives right now. We are being split down the middle, asked to...
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You are sitting on a bench, not far from a playground. A small group of children are playing, laughing. Their shrieks fill the air. Once child slips, falls, and bumps her knee.
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