Above picture: 4 Ingredients
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Why Hello There... Bergamot? Is it a lemon? An orange? A hybrid between a lime and a head of broccoli gone wrong? Few people will know what you're talking about when you mention the word "bergamot". They make even think you're referring to a new species of hippopotamus. ...
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A couple of days ago I had an unusual urge to dust off my baking equipment and put a little tea in something, unsure of what the result may be. A quick online search revealed a delightful biscuit recipe. In a moment of inspiration I decided that adding a dash or two of s...
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What Is Black Tea? Black tea is the most oxidised of all tea varieties, and like white, green, Read more

Have you recently found a shoe in the fridge? Stepped out of the car and realise you haven't switched the engine off? Found your morning cup of tea in the microwave at 5pm? You may be in desperate need for some calming tea and these practical ways to vanquish stress.
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From Princess Catherine of Braganza to Tea Rooms, Afternoon Tea, Cream Tea and Devonshire Tea. The journey from England's first introduction to tea in the mid 17th century to the delight we know as Devonshire Tea today was history in the making and now a pillar of...
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Not everyone loves Earl Grey tea, but there are a couple of reasons Earl Grey tea is often particularly unpleasant - and doesn't need to be. The first reason is that low-grade black tea is used. A simple trick big tea companies use to lower costs is to douse low-grad...
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